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How to Sort Invoices by Status

Learn two ways to sort your invoice page by "status"

There are multiple ways you can do this.

Option 1:

  1. If you’re not already on the invoice screen navigate there by clicking on the invoices tab from the dashboard. Select the area you would like to go to: “all invoices,” “pending signature,” or “in progress.”


  2. At the top of the page there is a filters option. It is defaulted to “hide” click there and it will change to “show”.


  3. When you click show a series of drop-down menus will appear. Select the options here that you would like to sort by.(ex. status, location, service type etc)


  4. Click “save filter” to save these options.


Option 2:

  1. If you’re not already on the invoice screen navigate there by clicking on the invoices tab from the dashboard. Select the area you would like to go to: “all invoices,” “pending signature,” or “in progress.”


  2. Just above the list of invoices you will see an area that says “drag a column header and drop it here to group by that column”


  3. Follow those instructions by grabbing the status column header with your mouse and dropping it in that designated area.


  4. The invoices will be automatically sorted.


    **These steps can be used to sort columns throughout the site.