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How do I set up a location?

Learn how to set up locations in Floorzap!


In this article, you'll learn how to set up and customize your business locations in your account settings.


Step 1: Navigate to your account settings.



Step 2: Select the Locations option.



Step 3: Edit the placeholder location with your specific location information.



Step 4: Enter your location name.



Step 5: Provide your phone number.



Step 6: Input your preferred email address.



Step 7: Add your business address.



Step 8: Note that you should keep the QuickBooks sync set to off until further along in your training. We'll schedule a special call to integrate and begin your QuickBooks sync.



Step 9: If you have multiple locations, turn on location-specific branding.



Step 10: Determine your invoice prefix for this location.



Step 11: Set an invoice start number.



Step 12: Place your Google review link here. It'll be pulled into our post job template, which you'll learn about later.



That's all! You've now set up your business locations. You're free to set up as many locations as you need.