How do I Order Materials by Product
This page provides a step-by-step guide on how to order materials by product in Floorzap, enabling users to streamline their ordering process based on specific product requirements.
- If you’re not already on the order materials by products screen navigate there by clicking on the “order by products” button, which is located under the “order materials” tab on the dashboard.
- Scroll through the products and find the product you are looking for, then click on the work order number that you are wishing to order for.
- Once you have clicked on that number you will be brought to the workorder screen.
- You will then click on the shopping cart icon that is located on the right side of the screen.
- Change the order status to “ordered.”
- Next you will fill in the order number field with the reference number provided to you by the vendor.
- Verify that the amounts listed are as expected. (Hint: Check the tax, freight, material cost and material invoice total)
- Click save to save all this information.