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Creating a Labor Cost List

Learn how to easily create a labor cost list to import into Florozap. 


In this article, you'll learn how to complete your labor cost list template.


Step 1: Start by clicking on the link to the labor cost list.



Step 2: Click on the File option.



Step 3: Make a copy of the file.



Now, you're ready to edit the cost list according to your requirements.


Step 4: Fill in the required fields on the sheet. These include:



- Service Type



- Labor Name



- Labor Cost



- Labor Price


You also have the option to:



Step 5: Enter the Labor Cost



Step 6: Add a margin instead of the price.


Remember to include the cost per unit. This refers to:



Step 7: The way you're charging, whether it's per square foot or something similar.



That's it! Once you've completed your template, send it to your onboarding specialist for import.