Adding non B2B Vendors & Non B2B Material Import
Learn how to add non B2B vendors and import non B2B materials into Floorzap.
This article will guide you through the process of adding non-B2B vendors and starting your material imports.
Step 1: Navigate to Settings.
Step 2: Select Vendors.
In this tutorial, we're focusing on non-B2B vendors.
Step 3: Click on Add New.
Step 4: Enter your vendor information.
Step 5: Save each vendor's information individually.
Step 6: Hit Save.
If you've already compiled your vendors' information in an Excel spreadsheet, including details like vendor name, address, phone number, and account number, you're in luck! Send this spreadsheet to your onboarding specialist for a quick import.
Once you've added all your vendors, it's time to start importing your non-B2B material lists.
Step 7: Go to Inventory Products.
Step 8: Click on Import Material List.
Here, you'll find a template for your material list.
Step 9: Download the Template.
The first seventeen lines of the template provide instructions. Fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory. We recommend getting the latest price list from each of your non-B2B vendors. This ensures you're importing the most recent non-B2B price list into your system.
We hope this tutorial simplifies the process for you!